Agency Name | Sprout Up |
Categories | Children/Youth,Education,Environment & Nature |
Contact Name | Alex Daos and Nora Hensley |
Agency Email | |
Agency Address | None |
Agency Phone | 916-606-9835 (Alex) / 916-710-2326 (Nora) |
Web Address | |
Office Hours | None |
Distance from Campus | None |
Nearest Bus Lines | 15,16, 19, and 20 |
Mission Statement | Sprout Up provides free, youth-led environmental education programs to 1st and 2nd grade classrooms in public schools throughout California and New York City. Our team of college student-instructors teach children lessons in life science and sustainability during the earliest stages of their educational development, cultivating the next generation of passionate caretakers of the earth. Through activities, experiments, and discussions, we get kids thinking in new ways about the world that surrounds them, inspiring them to bring the message of environmental stewardship home to their families and friends. In this way, we strive to promote sustainability throughout our many communities, from the youngest members of society up. For more information, please visit us at |
Volunteer Duties | Instructors volunteer in 1st and 2nd grade classrooms a maximum of 3 hours per week, for 8 weeks a quarter (weeks 3-10 in Fall, Winter, or Spring). Training is provided at the beginning of the quarter (3-4 hours). 1 hour per week is spent teaching in the classroom, 1 hour is allowed for transportation, and 1 hour is allotted for team planning. |
Notes |
For UCSC credits internships are available with Sprout Up through the ENVS Internship Office. Updated 2/9/17 |